Source: Evonik

A Thermoplastic Particle Foam for Aviation Interior Sandwich Composites


Evonik Operations has developed a novel thermoplastic rigid particle foam that meets the strict FST and heat release requirements of large aircraft interior components as per FAR 25.853.

In addition to its proven fire resistance as a pure foam and within a sandwich composite system, the new material offers efficient manufacturing of 3-dimensional geometries and opens new possibilities for direct function integration.


  • Manufacturing process of thermoplastic particle foams
  • Sandwich composite component requirements of commercial aircraft interior structures (e.g. FST, Heat Release)
  • Function integration into net shape molded foam parts (e.g. inserts)
  • Potential use-cases in fire critical applications

Presenter 1:

Denis Holleyn

Technical Marketing and Product Manager ROHAFORM

Denis Holleyn is a technical marketing and product manager at Evonik Operations. In his former role, he was an applied technology engineer, responsible for the material and process development of rigid and lightweight high performance foam materials. His background is a B.S in Environmental Science and Technology from the University of Koblenz-Landau and a M.E in Plastics Engineering from the University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt.

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