Source: Brighton Science

Assessing Surface Adhesion: Maintaining Quality in Composites Prep for Strong Bonds


By attending this webinar, you will gain valuable insights into the fundamental principles of surface energy and its impact on adhesion.

Bond failures can have severe consequences for manufacturers, including increased scrap rates, damage to brand reputation, costly warranty claims and even safety hazards. These failures often stem from inadequate surface preparation, highlighting the critical importance of surface energy, the substrate's ability to interact effectively with adhesives, coatings or sealants at the molecular level.

Brighton Science, with over two decades of experience in investigating bond failures, has found that over 90% of these issues originate from insufficient surface preparation. This webinar will provide a concise overview of surface energy and its crucial role in achieving successful adhesion.

By attending this webinar, you will gain valuable insights into the fundamental principles of surface energy and its impact on adhesion. You will learn how to implement WCA measurements as a robust quality control metric and leverage Brighton Process Monitor to streamline surface energy analysis and enhance overall production efficiency.


  • Discover how to identify and address critical control points within your manufacturing process that significantly impact bond quality
  • Learn how other companies have successfully utilized water contact angle (WCA) measurements to generate rapid, safe and reliable data for integrating surface energy as a crucial quality key performance indicator (KPI)
  • Explore Brighton Process Monitor, a powerful application within the BConnect networked surface monitoring system

Presenter 1:

Andy Reeher

CEO, Brighton Science

Andy has over 30 years of experience in manufacturing, product management, data application and entrepreneurship. His work has focused on the power of data to change behavior and achieve breakthrough results. He joined Brighton Science as CEO in July of 2021. He has an bachelor's degree in history from Grove City College and a master's from the University of Chicago.

Presenter 2:

Lucas Dillingham

Global Applications Director, Brighton Science

Lucas Dillingham is a global applications director at Brighton Science that has over 15 years of experience in surface critical manufacturing processes, product development and applications for surface analysis.  He has aided numerous organizations automotive, aerospace, electronics and medical in creating specifications, improving processes and providing insights on surface preparation techniques.  Currently, Lucas leads the Brighton Science global applications team delivering surface intelligence to manufacturing organizations around the world.

All content on this page is provided by the presenting company.

Gardner Business Media - Strategic Business Solutions