Source: Engel Machinery

Close the Loop from Simulation to Production


How can you transfer your simulation program data to the actual injection molding machine?

How can you transfer your simulation program data to the actual injection molding machine? This webinar will explore the new interface for data exchange—it surpasses the data barrier and simplifies the collaboration between simulation experts and process technicians.


  • Connecting simulation and production data to reduce mold modifications
  • Increasing quality of simulation
  • The three functions of the Engel sim link interface
  • Case study to demonstrate the benefits

Presenter 1:

Nick Suter

Business Development and Digital Solutions Consultant, Customer Service Division

Nick Suter started as a material planner at Dupont experimental station in 2007. He then joined Negri Bossi in 2013 as the spare parts manager while transitioning into a sales support role. In 2018 Suter came to Engel North America to work for the customer service division. He recently moved to the new role of business development and digital solutions consultant.

Presenter 2:

Stefan Kleindel

Development Engineer, Process Technology and Inject 4.0

Stefan Kleindel started as a production engineer in the molding industry in 2000. Seven years later, he changed his career goal to research and development and finally received a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering in 2016. Stefan is a specialist in numerical simulation and particularly interested in the injection molding process. In 2019 he joined the sim link development team at Engel Austria.

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