Source: Cold Jet

Mold Maintenance 4.0: Dry Ice Blasting in a Smart Factory


Industry 4.0 is weaving its way into our often-outdated maintenance practices, namely: mold maintenance. Why?

Because it is no secret that molds are critical to molding quality parts. When we acknowledge that, it drives us to utilize the most current and effective methods in maintaining our molds. Driving that are studies which show that 60–70% of all mold maintenance centers around mold cleaning. It only stands to reason that there is a tremendous opportunity to improve how we maintain our molds and the positive impact that will have on not only our molds, but our availability and quality OEE scores.

This webinar will discuss how cleaning molds with dry ice is not only faster and better, but how the entire process can be remotely monitored and reported on, and how each mold can be cleaned with its own individualized programmable cleaning recipe.

Data makes a difference. The ability to gather data on our mold cleaning process can accelerate a return on investment and profitability through increased machine efficiency, uptime, lower costs, and even extend the asset life of the mold. Mold maintenance 4.0 enables you to understand, control, delegate and orchestrate your daily mold cleaning operations without a need to be physically present.

Presenter 1:

Steve Wilson

Applications Development Director

Steve Wilson is the director of dry ice cleaning applications and ESG for Cold Jet LLC, responsible for guiding dry ice cleaning solutions for all industries worldwide. He has over 35 years of experience in the plastics industries. He began his career at Milacron’s plastics machinery division, serving in manufacturing, product line management and a variety of sales and marketing roles. Before joining Cold Jet years ago, he owned his own plastics company where he gained experience in extrusion, blow molding, thermoforming and robotics. Steve is a published author and has written numerous white papers on dry ice solutions for a variety of applications in plastics and is a frequent speaker at conferences. He holds a degree in industrial management from Cedarville University and an MBA from Xavier University. He currently serves as the president of the Ohio Valley chapter of SPE and is the current DPM for writing the AMPP SP21514 Dry Ice blasting and non-metallic substrates standard.

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