Source: Novatec

Redefine Resin Drying with Automatic Resin Input Moisture Integration


Dryer manufacturers and processors have ignored the elephant in the room—the vast differences in starting resin moisture for the drying process—and have instead focused on making better dryers.

For over 50 years, dryer manufacturers and processors have ignored the elephant in the room—the vast differences in starting resin moisture for the drying process—and have instead focused on making better dryers.

As a result, most processors are time-average drying, which sometimes under dries, sometimes over dries and often wastes valuable production time and energy—and totally ignores input resin moisture differences. All that is changed with this affordable innovation which integrates with Novatec dryers. The precision moisture sensor in the input resin source automatically communicates with the dryer to produce precisely-dried resin. No more guesswork or wasted time and energy. Simple. Reliable. Automatic. Affordable.


  • Understand moisture absorption of key materials
  • Understand why input moisture should be the root of all drying
  • Understand that if you know input moisture, the resin characteristics and dryer/hopper specifications, you can always solve the equation and get precision moisture output
  • Understand the various applications for Novatec's Drying Genie

Presenter 1:

Mark Haynie

Vice President, Moisture and Drying Technology

Mark has been designing and installing dryer systems for nearly 40 years and has worked at Novatec, a leading dryer equipment supplier for the plastics industry, for 25 years. Mark is a well-known and well-respected resin drying expert. Throughout his career, Mark has visited thousands of plastics plants to offer solutions for drying challenges and has authored many technical drying and moisture-related articles.

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Gardner Business Media - Strategic Business Solutions