Gardner Business Index

Durable Goods Orders Contract Faster in April

By: Steven Kline, Jr.

New orders for real durable goods totaled $167,643 million in April. This was the lowest total since July 2009 and was down 30.7% from one year ago.

April Durable Goods Spending Contracts at Fastest Rate Ever

By: Steven Kline, Jr.

In April, real consumer durable goods spending dropped to its lowest level since September 2014.

April Income Skyrockets Due to Government Transfer Payments

By: Steven Kline, Jr.

April was the highest level of real disposable income by $1.8 trillion, or roughly 12% more than the previous all-time high.

Housing Permits Fall Below 100,000 in April

By: Steven Kline, Jr.

There were 96,900 housing permits filed in April 2020. Permits filed in April were down 18.4% compared with one year ago, which was the first month of contraction since June 2019.

Cutting Tool Orders Below $190 Million for Four of Five Months

By: Steven Kline, Jr.

Due to the effects of the coronavirus, the GBI annual rate of contraction accelerated since March. A bottom in the annual contraction of cutting tool orders cannot be expected until seven to 10 months after a bottom in the GBI annual rate of change.

Durable Goods Capacity Utilization Falls to Lowest Rate Ever

By: Steven Kline, Jr.

In April, durable goods capacity utilization was 55.3%, which was the lowest rate ever. Compared with one year ago, capacity utilization contracted 26.6%, which was the fastest rate of month-over-month contraction ever. 

Durable Goods Production Contracts at Fastest Rate Ever

By: Steven Kline, Jr.

The durable goods production index fell to 79.9, contracting 26.4% month-over-month. That was the fastest rate of month-over-month contraction in the index since its inception.

April 2020 Auto Industry Data Point to Rapid Deterioration of the Market

By: Michael Guckes

Automotive production at the end of March had fallen by one-third according to several measures.  This decline was outpaced by a near 50% reduction in demand as measured by unit sales.  April’s data reported a near complete shutdown of vehicle production across the country. 

U.S. Automobile Loans Fall 1-Percent in April Signaling a Rapid Change in Loan Demand.

By: Michael Guckes

Total automobile loans in dollar terms fell every week of April, signaling weakening demand for vehicle financing.

Change in 10-Year Rate Lowest Since July 2012

By: Steven Kline, Jr.

In April, the year-over-year change in the real rate was -140 basis points. The change was negative for the 16th month in a row. This was the lowest level for the year-over-change since July 2012. 

Lowest March Machine Tool Orders Since 2010

By: Steven Kline, Jr.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the GBI: Metalworking dropped sharply in March and April. This drop caused the GBI: Metalworking annual rate of contraction to accelerate once again. This will likely lead to an acceleration in the contraction of machine tool orders in March and April. 

Is the Monetary Base Pointing Toward Higher Capital Spending?

By: Steven Kline, Jr.

Compared with one year ago, the monetary base increased 47.4%, which was the fastest rate of month-over-month growth since October 2009. This was the fifth month in a row of month-over-month accelerating growth.