
How will YOU profit from California's Ban on ICE vehicles?

A significant change in California’s regulation of the state’s automotive market has significant ramifications for both the industry and the entire automotive supply chain.


The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday (9/23) that the California Governor signed an order aiming to end the sale of new gasoline and diesel-powered cars in the state by the year 2035.

Going back over four decades, California has had an outsized influence on the auto industry due to the sheer size of the California auto market and because of the cost and complication that would result for OEMS making vehicles just for the California market and separately vehicles (of a different emissions standard) for the rest of the country. Many states mirror California's emission rules which further strengthens California's ability to steer the auto market.

Image from the Wall Street Journal, 9/24/2020

If this order should hold, it represents an incredible shift in manufacturing opportunities both for the machine tool industry and the manufacturing industry it supports. New machine tools, technologies and supply chain adaptations will have to take place at a scale and speed that will be both challenging and impressive.

This order will speed the transition toward a vast array of manufacturing technologies and materials which will evolve drivetrains and reduce vehicle weight among other things. HOW WILL YOU STEER YOUR FIRM DURING THIS TIME TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF AND THRIVE IN THE DISRUPTION?

Gardner Business Media - Strategic Business Solutions